Gordon Hughes Estate Agents present to market this substantial farm holding comprising approximately 70.22 acres of agricultural land (LM663F) and is presently laid out in 3 adjoining lots. With an option to purchase in 1 or 3 lots rarely does such a large holding come to market in this area & offers enormous potential for any purchaser. Situated less than 1km from the nearby town of Ballinamore the land is divided as follows; Plot A 16.906 acres, Plot B 29.066 acres & Plot C 24.253 acres. Further details & maps etc with Sole Selling Agent.
Plot A 16.906 acres
Plot B 29.066 acres
Plot C 24.253 acres
Mains Water beside roadway
Google Co-ordinates 54.0407051,-7.7923806
Eircode beside land is N41 Y384 Google Co-ordinates 54.0407051,-7.7923806
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